1 January 2018

Happy New Year!

Yes, predictably with the new year comes all the resolutions and all the big plans to change my lifestyle. I'd like to say "No,; this year I'm not going to conform to all that!" But sadly, yes I am as hubby and I are about to repeat the six week bootcamp I embarked on on November.


I had degrees of success with it and lost 10lbs in the first detox week. Then I carried on for a week or so without a problem before going to Leeds and staying at Malmaison for 3 nights. It all went completely to pot and I was very ill on the last day, either through a bug or through eating so much rich food straight after a detox!

After that I kind of half-heartedly followed it as Christmas was approaching and I couldn't be bothered and hubby wasn't doing it and and and... excuses excuses.

I put 1lb back on by the time it came to Christmas Eve and the next time I was allowed to weigh myself so I was pretty pleased with that. I have just weighed myself again and I've put on another 5lbs over Christmas. C'est la vie! At least I'm still lighter than I was 2 months ago!

So today we are eating what remains of the Christmas indulgences and tomorrow I am back at work and back onto the detox.

I'll keep you posted...

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