10 June 2017

Fitbit and Myfitnesspal

Yesterday I synced my FitBit with MyFitnessPal. I have used this app previously but deleted it as it wasn't helpful at the time. It seems to have been updated and is more intuitive now (and also the barcode database is a million times better than FitBit's.)

MyFitnessPal (hereafter known as MFP because it's far too long to type out in full every time) reckoned I should be on 1200kcal a day. I think not! So I  manually changed my goal to 1800 - taking into account what NHS said and MFP. I think 1800 is more doable without being silly or pointless. The MFP nutritional information is so much more comprehensive than FitBit too, and I can get a breakdown of carbs, protein and fats as well as nutrients, vitamins and minerals. This is helpful to me as it is telling me how much of each I have eaten and how much I need to eat or have left.

One thing I did quickly realise this morning was that 30g of All Bran is a pretty small amount compared to what I thought it was. I think portion control is going to be key to me losing weight. It will be difficult especially to begin with as I will inevitably be a little hungry or feel short-changed with considerably less than I am used to. I will probably start using smaller plates to trick my mind while it gets used to it. It's a recognised technique and probably not a bad thing to do permanently; there's no point in 'being good' only to instantly go back to my old ways and wonder why I'm putting the weight back on! I've said it to myself on many occasions previously - "it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change."

I have done 6700 steps so far today, but I think I'm unlikely to get to 10000 today. I definitely tend to walk less steps when I'm not at work! I had to remember to track my exercise, so when I walked into town I started the timer and stopped it when I got to town and vice versa on the way home. Working the 2 apps together is going to take some time to work out. Also, preparing meals takes more time as I scour the database or scan barcodes and adjust my serving sizes. I was still preparing my (actually very simple) cottage cheese salad when hubby had prepared and eaten his! That says a lot about his eating habits too, but this is about me, not him!

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